Fire And Life Safety Educator

1793 Fire & Life Safety Educator I
This course is designed to provide the public educator with the knowledge and skills needed to perform as a fire and life safety educator as addressed in the National Fire Protection Act (NFPA) 1035. Topics include fire behavior, community assessment, injury prevention and juvenile fire setting. The student will also develop presentation skills and learn how to design public education programs.
Giesler, M. P. (2018). Fire and life safety educator: Principles and practices (2nd ed.). Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning.

2794 Fire & Life Safety Educator II
This course is a continuation of Fire and Life Safety I designed to provide the public educator with the knowledge and skills needed to successfully perform as a fire and life safety educator manager as addressed in NFPA 1035. For those who practice the multidiscipline profession of fire and life safety educator manager (including uniformed fire service personnel and other professionals), topics include political process, change through knowledge, community analysis, budget process, public policy recommendations, communications with leadership, evaluating team performance, requesting resources from external organizations, facilitation of partnerships, measuring learning, challenges to learning, developing informational an educational materials, developing lesson plans, designing and revising programs and evaluation and measuring of programs and how to develop the instruments to do so.
Giesler, M. P. (2018). Fire and life safety educator: Principles and practices (2nd ed.). Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning.