Safety Officer

This course will cover both national and Florida specific information relating to an Incident Safety Officer. Topics include: The Safety Officer’s Role; Safety Concepts; Regulations, Codes, Laws, Standards and Procedures; Designing an ISO System; Professional Development; Reading Buildings, Smoke, Risk, Hazardous Energy, and Firefighters; Triggers, Traps and Working within ICS; Basic Approach to ISO Duties; ISO at Structure Fires, Wildland Fires,
Dodson, D. W. (2016). Fire department incident safety officer (3rd ed.). Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning.

6741 Florida Health And Safety Officer
This course is designed to cover both national and Florida specific information relating to the Health and Safety Officer. Topics include: Introduction to Emergency Services Occupational Safety and Health; Review of Safety-Related Regulations and Standards; Risk Management; Pre-Incident Safety; Safety at Fire Emergencies; Safety at Medical or Rescue Emergencies; Safety at Specialized Incidents; Post-Incident Safety Management; Personnel Roles and Responsibilities; Safety Program Evaluation; Information Management; and Special Topics in Emergency Services Occupational Safety and Health.
Angle, J. (2016). Occupational safety and health in the emergency services. Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning.

7529 Legal Considerations For The Safety Officer
Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to identify the applicable Florida statutes and rules pertaining to safety and Line of duty deaths, explain the basic concepts of our legal system, the components and procedures regarding the conduct of an investigation,
All course materials included