6742 Florida Incident Safety Officer
This online course will cover both national and Florida specific information relating to an Incident Safety Officer. Topics include: The Safety Officer’s Role; Safety Concepts; Regulations, Codes, Laws, Standards and Procedures; Designing an ISO System; Professional Development; Reading Buildings, Smoke, Risk, Hazardous Energy, and Firefighters; Triggers, Traps and Working within ICS; Basic Approach to ISO Duties; ISO at Structure Fires, Wildland Fires, Haz Mat Incidents and Technical Rescues; and Post- Incident Responsibilities.
Required Course Materials
Dodson, D. W. (2016). Fire department incident safety officer (3rd ed.). Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning.
Textbook not included
Your Course Includes
Step-By-Step Modules
All modules have combination of reading assignments, discussions, table-top exercises, quizzes,
Additional Resources
Each module have rich set of additional resources in PDF as well as video format.
Discussion Forums
Interaction with Instructor and fellow student all within one place for each Modules.
Final Project
All students will be expected to pass each course with a minimum of 70%. Failure to achieve a minimum completion score of 70% will result in failure of the course.
Frequently asked Questions
When does the course start and finish?
This is self paced learning course of 30 days duration. The course starts after you have purchased the course and accessed it for the first time.
How long do I have access to the course?
You have 30 days from the time you have signed from the time you have signed for this course. After 30 days the course access will be revoked. Work and family issues do occur from time-to-time. The Professor/Instructor will make every reasonable accommodation for the student, but this arrangement is reciprocal.
Can I have face to face interaction with Instructor
No, this is an online self paced course with video demonstration. However, you are free to contact the instructor via our direct messaging system from the member’s area.
Does this course have any certificates?
Yes, the certificates will be available to download in your members area once you have sucessully completed the course.
How many Continuing Education Units (CEUs) ?
40 CEUs for FireSafety Inspector renewal
“This certification mark recognizes that this course met Quality Matters Review Standards”
Your Instructor
Mathew Trent
Matthew Trent is a dedicated fire service professional who is committed to personal and professional development through educational advancement and motivated planning.
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